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June 30th is here and the long awaited (by some in small circles) 'EP' from @@ron is finally here! @@ron released two singles earlier this year, 'Why Should I?' followed by 'Adventures In Shopping', building up to the release of his first EP. The four-track release has been a long time coming for @@ron, in fact since 2019.

When asked about the setup he says "The drums were setup in a closet that I took the doors off of, slide in some cheap acoustic panels I made, then jammed the whole kit in. I used the Glyn Johns method to mic the whole thing up. I was using one amp for all the guitar sounds, an Ampeg Reverbrocket, and an Audix i5 to mic it. The bass was direct and the vocals were done on a AKG Perception condenser. Nothing fancy.". He also tells us that each track was recorded straight to an 8 track tape machine and then dumped into a DAW. "I can't remeber for sure if I recorded every song straight to tape first or to my DAW first and then dumped into tape. I do know that 3 of the songs were recorded all in one weekend.".

It would be another 4 years before these recordings were finally released. @@ron says that during those years he was confused about how to release them. "I didn't know what name I should use to release these under, if I should only release the four songs together or other songs should be added to the EP. I had a lot of doubts and I was just never sure what to do, so ultimately it was all put on the back burner.".

Well here we are in 2023, and these tracks have been pulled off of the hard drive, polished and set to be released. During these years @@ron never stopped recording and he ensures us there's still plenty of material to be sussed out and released. "They're not all gems, but there's some good stuff there and I intend to keep the momentum going and keep recording new material.".

'EP' just dropped June 30th on all major streaming platforms. Be sure to give it a listen and toss this guy a couple pennies!

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